Legal notice

1.Bundesnotarkammer Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
(German Federal Chamber of Notaries Corporation under public law)
Mohrenstraße 34
10117 Berlin
Telephone +49 (0)30 – 38 38 66 0
Telefax +49 (0)30 – 38 38 66 66
Responsible for content:
Notary a. D. (non-practising) Max Ehrl
Director-General of the Bundesnotarkammer
Represented by:
The Bundesnotarkammer is represented by its President Dr. Jens Bormann, LL.M. (Harvard)
2. Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts
(German Bar Association Corporation under public law)
Littenstraße 9
10179 Berlin
Telephone +49 (0)30 – 28 49 39 – 0
Telefax +49 (0)30 – 28 49 39 – 11
Responsible for content:
Attorney Stephan Göcken, Director-General oft he BRAK
Represented by:
The Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer is represented by its president Dr. Ulrich Wessels
3. Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV) e.V.
(German Bar Association)
Littenstraße 11
D-10179 Berlin
Telephone +49 (0)30-7261520
Telefax +49 (0)30-726152190
Responsible for content
Attorney Dr. Sylvia Ruge, Director‑General of the DAV
Represented by:
The Deutsche Anwaltverein e.V. is represented by its president Edith Kindermann or jointly by two of its vice-presidents.
Register of associations (Vereinsregister)
The Deutsche Anwaltverein e.V. is a registered association.
District court (Amtsgericht) Berlin – Charlottenburg, number of registration VR 21116
4. Deutscher Notarverein e.V.
(German Notaries‘ Association)
Sitz Berlin
Kronenstr. 73/74
D-10117 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (30) 20 61 57 40
Fax: +49 (30) 20 61 57 50
Responsible for content:
Candidate notary Andreas Kuhn (director)
Represented by:
The Deutsche Notarverein e.V. is represented by its president Dr. Christian Rupp.
Register of associations (Vereinsregister)
The Deutsche Notarverein e.V. is a registered association.
District court (Amtsgericht) Berlin – Charlottenburg, number of registration VR 19490
5. Deutscher Richterbund e.V.
(German Judges Association)
Kronenstraße 73
10117 Berlin
Telephone +49 30 2061 25-0
Telefax +49 30 2061 25-25
E-Mail: info(at)
Responsible for content:
Sven Rebehn
Federal director
Represented by:
The Deutsche Richterbund e.V. is represented by its board members VPrLG Andrea Titz, or VROLG Joachim Lüblinghoff.
Register of associations (Vereinsregister)
The Deutsche Richterbund e.V. is a registered association.
District court (Amtsgericht) Berlin – Charlottenburg, number of registration VR 19853 B.
Responsible for distribution:
DNotV GmbH
Kronenstr. 73/74
D-10117 Berlin
Telephone: +49 (30) 20 61 57 40
Telefax: +49 (30) 20 61 57 50
6. Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer
Corporation under public law
Breite Straße 29
D-10178 Berlin
Telephone +49 30 20308 0
Responsible for content:
Prof. Dr. Stephan Wernicke
Represented by:
The Deutsche Industrie- und Handelskammer is represented by its President Peter Adrian.
Responsible for content:
Till Franzmann (director)
Represented by:
The DNotV GmbH is represented by its director Till Franzmann.
Register of companies
The DNotV GmbH is a registered limited liability company.
District court (Amtsgericht) Berlin – Charlottenburg, number of registration HRB 73862 B.
Liability for content:
The above-mentioned organizations cannot accept any liability for external Internet sites and their content, even if their own sites refer to external sites.